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The "Your Choice" section of this page is thanks to Al (Anita) Whitney.
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Vaccination Rights and BAR Wrongs

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All states allow a medical exemption and some states allow philosophical and/or religious exemptions. However, the American Medical Association and ChildrensHealthCare.org are actively promoting the abolishment of religious and philosophical exemptions.

Likewise, other corporate fanatics are also challenging informed consent.

More Links related to Exemptions

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Contact Vaccination Liberation
Contact Vaccination Liberation
Scroll down for links to General Information and Exemption Letters.
Suggestions to Combat Employer Vaccine Mandates

Sample letter to refuse employer mandates

An exemption form with lots of information to show you are making an informed choice

Finding Physicians, including doctors who take non-vaccinated children.

Can employees be forced to be vaccinated?
[Archive of FairMeasures page.]
"California: If you were not a health care worker, the answer would certainly be NO!"
See above link for the "may be's" for nurses or doctors.

Immunization Legislation. State Non-Medical Exemptions from School Immunization Requirements . (2024)

If all your state requires is a 'letter', consider modifying the model letters for Idaho:
Idaho Exemption form:
NewIdahoExemptionForm.doc  |   NewIdahoExemptionForm.pdf

If you want a great letter written by a lawyer to an Oregon School Board
This letter was originally found at: http://www.childscreen.org/Letter%20to%20the%20Oregon%20School%20District.htm, but is no longer posted on this site so it has been moved to http://www.vaclib.org/pdf/letters/Letter_Oregon_School_District.htm

Religious exemption information for most states in one document!
Includes section on Hepatitis & religious objection:
Archived on Vaclib.org Source: http://www.rutherford.org/documents/pdf/brief_bank/B18-RE~1.PDF [size= 45K]

Here is a great AFFIDAVIT that can be used for Daycare, Preschools and Schools.

Warning: consult your state laws before modifying any form on our site. Some states require exemption requests to be in the language of the applicant.
AFFIDAVIT for Colorado Older Child (preschool and school age).
You can use this as a template for other states and simply replace the Colorado with your state and your state's statute. Please read the entire post about birth certificates as well.
Download the Microsoft Word document here. VaccineTruth.net/letters/AFFIDAVIT for Colorado Older Child.doc
Edit for your state and insert your state's statute.
(This affidavit is also available as a birth exemption, for adults in colleges and employment situations. Our email address for Exemption information is posted here: vaclib.org/contact.htm )
You do not have to prove membership in any religion to use a religious exemption.
See article taken from www.immunizationattorney.com archived on VacLib.org
A good Summary of the concept that one is not required to hold formal church membership can also be found at: Archived: http://www.alaskawellness.com/archives/school-vacc.htm.

Military related links:

Exemptions: see the Choice Section, near top of this page

August 2021 - Military may take religious exemption to COVID vaccines

Archived on VacLib.org http://vaclib.org/sites/VacMilitary.html
http://www.geocities.com/titus2birthing/VacMilitary.html Vaccine Exemption and Military Service

For our Religious page and reference to Military exemptions, Click Here

For Help with Military Exemptions, Click Here for list of organizations helping:

Older News: Navy Captain

Avoiding Vaccinations:
Avoiding Vaccinations on VacLib.org

Two sample medical exemptions for traveling by an MD:
Cholera Sample Letter and Yellow Fever Sample Letter
Archive of letters here

Sample: Statement of Exemption for Personal or philosophical reasons

Did not find your state exemption form on our site?
Then try this link to forms for all 50 states and D. of Columbia.

NAAIP Tribal Vaccination Exemption Form PDF
An NAAIP Waiver / Affidavit for Vaccination Exemption for Indigenous People
There are links to other relevant forms on this web page.

Copy archived on VacLib website: NAAIP-Tribal-Vaccination-Exemption-Form-PDF

How to write a letter for personal Religious exemption from immunizations.
Archived: http://chetday.com/relexempt.html

Scroll down for Statement [letter] Of Religious Objection To Immunization

Note: If you are writing a letter of objection based on religious beliefs, it is often sufficient to simply state that vaccinations ( * "immunizations") are against your religion without itemizing. Reasons for objection are commonly that:

  • Vaccines pollute the blood stream
  • Vaccines are created from aborted fetal tissue (murder)
  • Taking fetal tissue into the body is cannibalism
  • It is unethical to to put children at risk by vaccinating
  • Creating vaccines harm animals
  • Taking animal tissue into the body is contrary to vegetarian principles
  • May encourage the belief that one is protected from the results of immoral behavior.
  • Vaccination is a superstition
  •   *Note 1: Vaccinations are NOT Immunizations.
      *Note 2: Non-vaccinated does not mean Non-Immunized. Unvaccinated children have high degrees of immunity.

    Warning: consult your state laws before modifying any form on our site or writing an exemption letter. Some states require exemption requests to be in the language of the applicant while other states require a state printed form.

    Links to FindLaw and WashLaw legal search engines.
    Exemption information and links https://vaccinationnews.org/

    Exemption from Immunization Requirements - international adoption

    Vaccination Information Resources (People and contact information) Listed by State & Canada

    Catholic Religious Exemptions.
    Also "You May Also Contact Children of God for Life for Assistance in Filing A Religious Exemption in Your State. Please note that due to the large number of religious denominations, we cannot provide specific teachings for all faiths on this subject, however we will assist you with filing instructions and sample letters."
    https://www.cogforlife.org/ See link on left side of page.

    Finding a Health Care Lawyer in your area
    Scroll to near the bottom of this page:

    OSHA & Hep B
    OSHA allows an exemption to recommendations for Hepatitis B vaccine for workers exposed to blood.
    Source: OSHA
    OSHA Requirements for Hepatitis B Vaccination (and confirmation of Declination) PDF


    HBV Vaccination
    The standard requires employers to offer the vaccination series to all workers who have occupational exposure.

    Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
    Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination (Mandatory) - 1910.1030 App
    [required language of declination form,
    NOTE OUR SUGGESTED ADDITION OF THE WORDS "it is alleged that", which we have added for your protection to prevent the admission of non-existent guilt for refusing an "immunization".]

    "I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials I may be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. I have been given the opportunity to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, at no charge to myself. However, I decline hepatitis B vaccination at this time. I understand that by declining this vaccine, it is alleged that I continue to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. If in the future I continue to have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials and I want to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, I can receive the vaccination series at no charge to me."

    If you want the above language so that you can simply print the page:
    OSHAexemption.doc MS-DOC which can be modified and printed

    OSHAexemption.pdf Adobe PDF file for printing.


    Exemption to Vaccination in Mexico Not Found
    Exencion a vacunacion Mexico extraviado

    información general

    Certificado de Vacunación COVID no debe usarse como condicionante de empleo: SSa

    Esquema de Vacunación

    ¿Qué es la Cartilla Nacional de Vacunación?

    Cartilla Salud Mexicana

    According to this page, now inactive:
    "Interestingly, some other countries such as Canada and Mexico do not utilize mandates and have generally higher immunization rates than in the United States. However, in Canada there is universal health care coverage, including immunizations, and in Mexico very successful countrywide immunization weeks three times per year reach almost all of the children."

    Mexico has a very agressive "immunization" program. If you are going to live in Mexico and enroll your children in school, please enquire locally for the information about how to exempt your children and protect them from the "routine" vaccinations that often occur directly in the schools.

    [Archive] Mexico vaccination policy (Info thanks to: ( Web.archive.org 2015)
    1) By law, everybody in México has the right to have access to vaccines.
    2) It is Free (although you can pay for them to your private physician...)
    3) It is Mandatory: Every registered Mexican child is granted a “National Vaccination Card” (which is actually a 3 page booklet), where their vaccination history has to be registered.
    A complete vaccination record, shown and validated in the National Vaccination Card is mandatory for being enrolled in public schools, as well as the majority of private ones.

    New Zealand
    New Zealand does not have compulsory vaccination or financial penalties for non-vaccinators (yet). They do require a vaccination certificate on entry into childcare or school. This is to identify non-vaccinated children during a disease outbreak.

    'Vaccination Information Network' (VINE)

    The following is an edited copy of a page saved from the AMA web site in March 2002.

    H-440.970 Religious Exemptions from Immunizations

    Since religious/philosophic exemptions from immunizations endanger not only the health of the unvaccinated individual, but also the health of those in his or her group and the community at large, the AMA
    (1) encourages state medical associations to seek removal of such exemptions in statutes requiring mandatory immunizations;
    (2) encourages physicians and state and local medical associations to work with public health officials to inform religious groups and others who object to immunizations of the benefits of vaccinations and the risk to their own health and that of the general public if they refuse to accept them; and
    (3) encourages state and local medical associations to work with public health officials to develop contingency plans for controlling outbreaks in exempt populations and to intensify efforts to achieve high immunization rates in communities where groups having religious exemptions from immunizations reside. (CSA Rep. B, A-87; Reaffirmed: Sunset Report, I-97)

    AMA's current article on this issue:
    Why medical reasons should be the only exemptions from vaccinations

    AMA Hypocrites:

    JPEG graphic of the AMA article above:
    ChildrensHealthCare.org is an organization dedicated to promoting the legal removal of religious exemptions. They promote the ideas that it is a child's right to be "immunized" but apparently never checked to find out that sanitation, nutrition and hygiene are the great immunizations. http://www.childrenshealthcare.org

    Source: http://www.fairmeasures.com/asklawyer/questions/ask318.html from archive of 12-12-02 webpage:

    Can employees be forced to be vaccinated? 12-12-02

    I am being asked to produce documentation of immunization for measles, mumps and rubella for a medical/surgical nursing job. My nurse colleagues and I have never heard of this required for employment to any hospital. Does an employer have a right to force an individual into getting an MMR vaccination for the sole purpose of employment? Look forward to your comments. Thanks.

    Ann Kiernan replies:

    If you were not a health care worker, the answer would certainly be NO! But since the nature of nursing involves occupational exposure to infectious diseases, the employer might be able to ask about your immunization status and perhaps even to require re-vaccination if you do not have proof of current protection.

    Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), after an applicant is given a conditional job offer, but before s/he starts work, an employer may conduct medical examinations, regardless of whether they are related to the job, as long as it does so for all entering employees in the same job category. But, after employment begins, an employer may make disability-related inquiries and require medical examinations only if they are job-related and consistent with business necessity. Also, an employer may require employees to submit to medical examinations that are required by another federal law or regulation. 29 C.F.R. 1630.15(e)(1998) See: Enforcement Guidance on Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical Examinations of Employees Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

    So, is immunity to measles, mumps and rubella either "job-related and consistent with business necessity" or required by other law? Maybe, according to our research at the [Archived] Centers for Disease Control.

    The CDC report strongly recommends that health care workers be immunized for hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella zoter, and tetanus.

    Another federal agency, OSHA, says in its [Archived] Technical Manual governing hospitals [Chapter 1. IV B 2. b] that: "Vaccination for rubella, measles, mumps, and influenza is recommended, especially for women of child-bearing age."

    [Note: [Chapter 1. III B 3.] also says, " A safety committee and/or infection control committee should be established within the hospital. Periodic inspection and monitoring is the responsibility of the safety committee. Immunizations, other than the mandatory vaccination for Hepatitis B, should be offered to personnel at risk."

    Thanks for raising such an interesting issue. We have only scratched the surface here. This would be a good question to pose to your state nursing society or professional board for a definitive answer.

    Information here is correct at the time it is posted. Case decisions cited here may be reversed. Please do not rely on this information without consulting an attorney first. ----Disclaimer End----

    [Note: we updated links where possible and thus there differences between the above posting and the original file.
    Click here for a link to an archive of the above page: web.archive.org/...

    Exemption related News: http://vaclib.org/news/php/rightsnews.php

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    Idaho Chapter

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